Women's Hiking Boots Explained

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Is there really a difference between men's and women's hiking boots?

Women's Hiking Boots Explained

Sierra Trading Post Tip: Actually, there isn't that much difference between men's and women's hiking boots these days, except size, of course. Hiking boots come in a variety of materials, from leather to lightweight composite materials. The more rugged the trails are that you hike, the more durable and protective your boots should be.

"Fast" hiking boots, sometimes called fast-hikers, are built for speed, so they're lighter and less durable than traditional boots. You can also find low-top cross-over models that you can use for hiking, trekking, and trail running as well. Women's hiking boots are a lot more stylish than they used to be, and new materials make them much lighter weight, as well. Leather is water-resistant, and many hiking boots are now waterproof, so you can cross stream and hike in stormy weather in comfort.



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