Hiking the Southern States

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Where can I hike in the south?

Hiking the Southern States

With so many beautiful places in the country, it's hard to decide where to set out on your hike. Why not try one of the many southern states hike excursions available? Nearly every state in the southeast and southwest has incredible hiking trails in their state parks. From Mississippi's Black Creek Valley to hiking the snow-tipped mountains of Taos, New Mexico, there is something to tickle every hiking fancy. Besides, it's a great way to get up close and personal with the country!



7/17/2008 12:47:42 PM
Matthew Bautista said:

Provide more info on where to hike in these Southern States. I'm sure people would find these tips more useful if there was more detail in the message, or at least a short list of locations on where to hike.


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