Hiking Poles Tips

Read these 4 Hiking Poles Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Hiking tips and hundreds of other topics.

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Should I buy trekking poles with anti-shock features?

Anti-Shock Trekking Poles

Trekking poles are supposed to help you hike more efficiently and comfortably. If you want maximum comfort on downhill hikes, look for anti-shock trekking poles. These poles offer flexible shock absorbers that you click on when you head downhill. The pole takes some of the stress off your knees and back and make downhill hiking much more enjoyable.

Back on level ground or heading uphill, you can click off the shock absorber for more stability and power. Some people really enjoy the flexibility of these anti-shock trekking poles, while others find traditional trekking poles are just fine for their needs. If you have knee or back problems, check with your physician before you purchasing trekking poles.

How should I use my hiking pole for maximum benefit?

Hiking Pole or Trekking Poles?

Some people use the term hiking pole, while others use trekking poles. Either one is correct, just as long as you know how to use them effectively. If you don't, you won't really see a lot of benefit when you hike.

So, how do you use your trekking poles? If you're on flat ground, the technique for two poles is quite similar to using cross-country ski poles. Let your poles swing with your arms in a natural walking rhythm.

Plant your pole opposite to the same-side leg. That may seem awkward at first, but once you use your hiking poles, you'll see how it makes much more sense to plant opposite, just as your arm swings opposite of your leg when you walk.

What are the best hiking or trekking poles?

The Best Hiking Poles

The best hiking poles fit your body and make your hike seem more comfortable. Some people are completely happy with a sturdy wooden pole they cut themselves, while others choose the best adjustable trekking poles money can buy.

In the winter, the best hiking poles include a basket to keep the pole from sinking into the snow. Telescoping poles are easier to stow and carry when you don't need a pole, but they are not as strong as single-unit hiking poles.

The best trekking poles should have straps that help you hold the pole in case you lose your grip, and a replaceable tip so you can add a new tip when the original wears out. Buy the best hiking poles you can afford for years of stress-free hiking!

What makes Komperdell hiking poles so good?

Komperdell Hiking Poles Straight From Austria

Komperdell Hiking Poles are designed with the Austrian Alps in mind, so they have to be great! These poles absorb the shocks of the trail so your knees, legs, and back don't have to. Studies show they can reduce the stress on knees and thighs up to 21 percent. They come in a variety of styles, with ultra-light models available for long-term trekking.

Komperdell hiking poles also offer a variety of grips, from cork to foam, which are easier on your hands as you hike. Best of all, the anti-shock features clicks on when you need the extra stability and shock adsorbing qualities as you hike downhill, and clicks off when you need maneuverability and stability heading uphill.

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